Monday, June 7, 2010


To begin this blog, I will start by saying...I feel that I have been duped. For months now, I have been using a 'green' spray cleaner that you can find on almost any grocery store shelf in America. It started innocently enough, with me trying to be more health safe and earth friendly. Unfortunately, I believe my first go-around,(which has lasted over months, with multiple purchases), was an epic fail. Not for lack of trying, mind you. I simply did not take the time to read about any products, and blindly trusted what was put on the shelf in front of me. Stupid Consumer Award. 

After my mom did a bit of cleaning for me at my house, and kindly pointed out that, " the 'green' cleaner you've got there doesn't do anything!", I decided to do a bit of reading. I came across an ad in a parenting magazine, and I thought that it was blog worthy...especially because, conveniently following this ad was an article on green cleaning. I dove in. 

Not having personally tested the following product, I cannot say for sure if it is legit, or not. I just want to put it up against a few tried and true methods that are clean, green as can be, and cheap as dirt. Seriously, we are talking practically free. 

The ad here grips you immediately- scenes from an average American home, with the catchy line, " It's about Thyme." Their ad reads, " Protecting Planet Home". Now I am not a self-proclaimed cynic, but I must say, I feel that there is a level of guilt that this particular marketing team was attempting to tap into. A quiet accusation, if you will. " If you don't buy OUR particular product, you are not doing everything that you can to protect your loved ones." Harsh? Maybe. It's a bit persuasive though, with the small child pictured, and the mom preparing food for the family. " Better use OUR cleaner, or you'll all perish from food poisoning and dust bunnies!" Ok...that's over shooting it a bit. 

The spin this company is putting on their product is related to natural plant extracts, and claims to not only kill germs naturally, but also to eliminate odors from your home as well. All with no streakage! What will they think of next... my question here would be, how in the world do they fit all of that deodorizing, non-toxic, all-natural cleaning thyme extract blah blah blah into each bottle, while keeping everything natural? YEAH RIGHT. Now I am willing to admit that I am wrong, if there are those of you out there that have used this product, or any other that is a blend of several (hundred) different things, and found it to work...naturally, of course. I still lean towards the less is more camp, and also the keep it simple let's give that a go, shall we? 

It contains NO harsh chemicals, has no additives. It simply is what it is. Add about a cup of vinegar to a sink full of hot water, and you can mop your floors without worrying about poisoning your children, or the family dog. It doesn't smell lemony fresh, but for the price and the safety, I say squeeze your own lemon. 

Use a bit of baking soda mixed with hot water and scrub your cares...and smells...away. Talk about a natural deodorizer, and you can't beat how quickly it'll shine up your stainless steal sink!

Okay, so it's not exactly fairy dust, but it will clean anything. Use it in place of any of your other go-to cleaners. You will notice a your wallet. It will literally disinfect and clean anything, and it's safe! 

Those are a few cleaner...ehem...cleaners, and there is one last tid bit I would like to add: I want to own a Dutch Rubber Broom! I've just discovered them, and for a cleaning nerd like myself, it was created on the 8th day. Check those out on Amazon...seriously. You will have a love affair...with a broom.  

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