Monday, July 26, 2010

Homemade gifts...that don't suck.

We are nowhere near Christmas, yet it's never a bad time to try out your crafty side and fashion a few easy, thoughtful gifts for the next birthday that you are planning to remember.

Homemade gifts do not have to be difficult or complicated, and certainly not LAME. If you are reaching for the Tylenol, then you are thinking too hard! Take a deep breath, brew some tea, and have another go. Personally, I love to receive gifts crafted by the giver. They hold much thought and personality that a simple mass-produced price tag simply cannot bring to the table. If you desire to unleash some creativity on an unsuspecting friend or relative, yet can't seem to hit on a genius idea, here are a few starters...

*Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix in a jar or tin.

*Black and White Picture in a frame distressed by yours truly. (You can distress a frame simply by taking a cloth and rubbing 'antique oil' on it's corners and lines.)

*Freshly canned fruit. (In a funky jar with a cool ribbon...yeeeaaah, now you're picturing it.)

*Craft a vintage apron. (It's not cheesy for those who love to cook, and please pardon the pun. You can find the kits at craft stores all over, and for a reasonable price.)

*Personalized scrap book.

*Candle-in-a-jar. (Vintage jar, that is. Vintage glassware is all the rage right now, and nothing is trendier than a candle. Fill a tinted glass jar with something earthy, like beans, rice, or sea salt. Then place a tea light in the center, and tie funky fabric around the middle of the jar to give it personality.)

*A book that you read and loved. (Add a thoughtful note inside the cover, or on a cute card.)

*Fresh fruit or veggies grown in your own backyard. (Wrapped in an old paper bag, and tied with some jute or raffia...) 

*Small potted flower or herb for their window sill. (Add a cute tab with a personal note made from recycled paper.)

*Cloth napkins in fun fabrics and patterns.

If you read through these few ideas, and remain skeptical, here's another idea. Shop your local farmers' market for the perfect gift made in your area. There are great herbal teas, reusable products, and local art, to name a few great gift ideas.

...and maybe, just maybe, you'll see someone's idea and think to yourself, " Now I COULD DO THAT!"